To create and further develop market-leading products, it is necessary to collect, structure, understand and use all available information about customers. In order for Reveall to become a market leader, the use of the platform must be made more enjoyable by introducing the use of the latest technologies. We redesigned the platform's interface, implemented a new subscription system, and participated in the development of many functions that help in recording and structuring the information obtained about individual customers.
The first foundations of the platform were laid on out-of-date technologies, so in addition to adding new functions, we also continuously moved the existing code parts to modern foundations. Bridging the gap between the two "ages" was a well-fitting task for us. The continuous development of the platform presents new challenges for developers every day.
The implemented AI-based solutions made it easier to enter, structure, and understand knowledge acquired about customers. Based on the feedback received from users, the development of the platform is continuous.
After a change of image, it was possible to create a product whose user base is growing dynamically. In doing so, it directly helps create more and more products that reform existing markets or create entirely new ones.