
Simplification of an E-scooter API


Charging state, used energy and other information about the e-scooters that are docked into the smart docking station, making the docking management easier.



  • Development

Rollin' Docking is a Hungarian company that produces and sells docking systems for electric scooters, providing a convenient and safe solution for charging and storage. Rollin has partnered up with major players of the e-scooter renting market such as Bird, Lime and Tier. Our project's goal was to simplify Rollin's current backed API serving the aforementioned companies, therefore improving efficiency and ensuring better performance across the board.



To accommodate the ever increasing traffic through its partners and to align with contemporary standards, Rollin's pre-existing API required a comprehensive overhaul. This necessitated a thorough comprehension of the existing codebase and the subsequent fine-tuning of various features, as well as performance enhancements, in order to achieve the desired outcome.



The solution for Rollin's outdated API entailed a meticulous approach to understand the existing codebase, identify the bottlenecks, and implement necessary performance improvements to meet the increasing demand of its partners. Through this comprehensive overhaul, Rollin was able to refresh its API to modern standards and enhance its capacity to handle high traffic, thus ensuring a smooth and efficient user experience.


Rollin's API refresh offers several benefits, including alignment with modern standards, enhanced capacity to handle high traffic, improved performance, and better partner relations. The updated API ensures Rollin stays up-to-date with industry developments while providing a smooth and efficient user experience, resulting in increased engagement. Additionally, the performance enhancements implemented as part of the refresh enable the API to run more efficiently, without any performance bottlenecks, thus strengthening Rollin's relationships with its partners.
